Procrastination is a rut that is all too easy to fall into and get stuck in. Having now discussed how to get out of that rut, today we look at staying out of it and remaining productive via the Sustain Process. As they say, “The work is ongoing.

Productivity is, in many ways, less about discipline, and more about fun. Procrastination is a rut, and finding ways to have fun with your work is the solution to getting out of it. The real challenge lies in keeping this energy flowing – it needs to be unblocked.

The rut that is procrastination is all too easy to fall into and difficult to get out of. In recent weeks, I have discussed the causes of procrastination, as well as what it looks like. Now, it is time to discuss solving the problem entirely – and the solution might surprise you.

While some individuals procrastinate to a lesser extent and manage to complete tasks reasonably promptly, others unfortunately struggle to accomplish much of anything.